Well what do we have here, the Doctor in Lego.
Oh and K9 and a TARDIS.
Okay so not a proper set (just yet), but for the forthcoming Lego Dimensions console game.
The game uses “real” Lego which are then “brought” into the game. There is a real mix of brands, for example the starter set has Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle (from The Lego Movie).
You can expand the game with packs and these have so far included figures from the Lego franchises such as Ninjago, but also Wonder Woman
, Lord of the Rings
, Wizard of Oz
and Back to the Future
With the release of some instructions, we now know that there will also be an expansion pack for Doctor Who.
The copyright notice for Doctor Who is quite interesting as it includes details of Daleks and Cybermen.
BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 2009. Dalek image © BBC/ Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image © BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977. Licensed by BBC Worldwide Limited.
From this I would ascertain that we will see Lego Daleks and Cybermen, very likely in the game, but could mean Lego Daleks if and when more Doctor Who Lego is released. The BBC does not hold all the rights to all the Doctor Who monsters, therefore licensed products need to both licence Doctor Who from the BBC, but also need to licence Terry Nation (estate) for the Daleks.
In addition to Doctor Who we have also seen packs for Jurassic World, Scooby Doo, Portal and The Simpsons.