So announced today for pre-order next week (from Forge World) are some nice new Necron flyers for Aeronautica Imperialis.
Each set contains two planes buildable as either Night Shroud bombers or Doom Scythe fighters. The former possess speed and manoeuvrability akin to the fighters of lesser races, dropping deadly doom spheres with unerring accuracy, while the latter shred rival interceptors with a powerful death ray.
The kit allows you to either model. The Night Shroud is akin to the fighters of other forces.
The Doom Scythe is a heavier aircraft armed with a powerful death ray.
Though I like the look of the models, I think this is a purchase I will probably either leave to a later date, or not make at all.
Also announced is the Aeronautica Imperialis Companion.
The perfect addition to your games of airborne combat in the 41st Millennium is here in the form of Aeronautica Imperialis – Companion. This expansion collects new rules, aircraft, and factions, along with existing content previously found within White Dwarf magazine, allowing you to field squadrons from the Necrons, Asuryani, and Adeptus Astartes. Experience a deeper dogfighting experience with detailed expanded damage rules, new Ace abilities, and the challenges of limited ammunition. Novice and experienced commanders alike can use these rules to revolutionise their Aeronautica Imperialis games across a suite of new matched play scenarios.
Bringing in rules from across various sources and White Dwarf along with new rules, means this is a book I probably will buy.