Mk IIA Light Tank

This Mk IIA Light Tank was on display at the Bovington Tank Museum.

The Mark IIA Light Tank was a British light tank that was produced in the early 1930s. It was a development of the Mark I Light Tank, and it featured a number of improvements, including a more powerful engine, a larger turret, and a better suspension system. The Mark IIA was used by the British Army in the Middle East and India, and it saw some action during the Second World War.

The Mark IIA was a two-man tank, with the driver sitting in the front and the commander/gunner sitting in the turret. The tank was armed with a single .303 Vickers machine gun, which was mounted in the turret. The Mark IIA had a maximum speed of 25 mph, and it had a range of 100 miles.

The Mark IIA was a relatively successful tank, and it was well-liked by its crews. However, it was soon outclassed by newer tanks, such as the Matilda II and the Crusader. As a result, the Mark IIA was withdrawn from front-line service in 1941.

Despite its relatively short service life, the Mark IIA played an important role in the development of British tank design. It was the first British tank to be equipped with a radio, and it also featured a number of other innovations that were later adopted by other British tanks. The Mark IIA is a significant example of British tank development in the interwar period, and it played a small but important role in the Second World War.

Here is a photograph of the same tank, taken ten years earlier, painted in a brown camouflage pattern.

More photographs of the Mark IIA Light Tank.