Created as a dedicated assault dropship for the Legio Custodes, the Orion can carry a full task force of the Emperor’s Talons into combat. Protected by frontal armour superior to that of the Legiones Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship, its Arachnus heavy blaze cannon and Lastrum bolt cannon can swiftly clear a landing zone of hostile infantry and armour with brutal efficiency, allowing the units within to deploy before it soars back into the sky to unleash death upon any foe who dares approach.
This Legio Custodes Orion Assault Dropship was on display ay Warhammer World.
This Legio Custodes Orion Assault Dropship was on display ay Warhammer World.
Created as a dedicated assault dropship for the Legio Custodes, the Orion can carry a full task force of the Emperor’s Talons into combat. Protected by frontal armour superior to that of the Legiones Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship, its Arachnus heavy blaze cannon and Lastrum bolt cannon can swiftly clear a landing zone of hostile infantry and armour with brutal efficiency, allowing the units within to deploy before it soars back into the sky to unleash death upon any foe who dares approach.
This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Legio Custodes Orion Assault Dropship, a Lord of War choice for your Talons of the Emperor army. This is an especially dense example of a flyer – it’s not covered head to toe in bells and whistles, but certainly features enough weaponry to make it an incredibly efficient part of your arsenal. It features 2 Lastrum bolt cannon, turret-mounted on either side of the cockpit, 2 Spiculus bolt launchers with vent systems and 2 Arachnus heavy blaze cannon – the latter is complete with cooling systems, mounts, power supplies and fuel cells visible. Appropriate to its ability to carry units into the fray, it can be modelled with the rear open – within, walls and benches are visible, with a ramp attached to the rear for the troops within to descend.
More pictures of the fantastic Imperial Guard Dropship from the UK GamesDay 2004… Following on from the EDT rumours which broke my website (bandwidth issues) there was a lot of interest in the large Imperial Guard (or Inquisition) Dropship which was used in one of the display games.
As you can see it is huge.
It was made from lots of Forgeworld models and other bits.
As you can see a lot of attention was given to detail.