You can now advance order GW’s 10mm Battle of the Five Armies game, to be released 8th March 2005…
The Battle of the Five Armies is from JRR Tokien’s superb story, The Hobbit, and is a large mass battle between goblins and wargs, versus the armies of dwarves, elves and man, with Eagles, a dragon, and some hobbits…
This boxed game contains everything you need to get started with the The Battle of Five Armies game system. A full colour 96 page Rules Manual, 9 characters & Beorn, 24 stands of Goblin infantry, 12 stands of Goblin Wolf Riders, 12 stands of Wargs, 3 stands of Men with bows, 3 stands of Men with spears, 6 stands of Dwarves, 6 stands of Elves with spears, 6 stands of Elves with bows, 3 stands of Eagles, 2 plastic hill sections, plastic ruins, card river sections and assorted dice & templates.
It will cost £50 which is about what you would expect from GW.