I decided to build the Ork Fighta Bommerz from the Aeronautica Imperialis boxed set.
There are two different versions on the single sprue and though there looks like lots of parts, they are quite simple to put together. The number of parts is about the number of weapon choices you can have. There are two versions of noses, fuselage, wings and tails, included in the model. So in theory you can mix and match if you get more kits later.
I gave the models a white undercoat, using a spray on both sides. These are really nice models, lots of detail.
The next stage was the base coat. I decided that I wanted an orange scheme for the planes so I went with Averland Sunset.
This shows I painted the models, I held one wing painted the rest of the model. The let it dry and then finished off the basecoat. I was pleased with the coverage of this base paint. Continue reading “Painting the the Aeronautica Imperialis Air Waaagh! Fighta Bommerz”