Lungburstaz on patrol

Though not quite finished, here are my Lungburstaz which after their base coat have had a wash of Chestnut Ink, Scorched Brown and water.

Epic Lungbursta

One of the things about these older models is that they are made with a softer metal, which though great for conversions is susceptible to knocks and even just pressure. I caused a few mishaps with mine when I was getting them off the wood stick I had glued them to.

I do like the Lungbursta model and I am pleased to see you can still get it.

Forge World Newsletter #126

a new Eldar Titan…


Welcome to the latest Forge World Newsletter. I apologise that we have not sent a newsletter for a little while but the last month or so has been very, very busy. I went to three different shows with Forge World over three consecutive weeks! Just before we go out on the road once again we have grabbed a few minutes to get you all back up-to-date with what we’re up to.
In this issue of the newsletter we have details and pictures of our second Eldar Titan, a first look and some info on our next book as well as updates on some of the shows Forge World will be attending over the next few weeks.

Ewen Little,
Forge World.

New Eldar Titan!
The Eldar Revenant Titan has been one of the most popular large 40K models that Forge World has made. The smooth flowing lines and graceful poise of the model has made it a firm favourite in the Forge World office so when Will Hayes started work on a second Revenant a few months ago anticipation was high. A cursory glance would reveal that Will has just changed the guns and the fin but that is not even close to the whole of it. More detailed examination shows that the armour plates around the waist have all been subtly changed while the torso and rear jump-jets have had their design refined and altered. The newly re-styled rear fin stands proudly over the top of the model while a very clean and clear new head design makes for a far more impassive, truly alien feel. Of course if you prefer, you can use the original Revenant head which is also included in the kit. Armed with two impressive looking Sonic Lances in place of the Pulsars, I think this new Revenant Titan looks the business! This new Eldar Revenant is available to pre-order right now and we will start shipping them out from the release date, Monday September 19th.

Look! Another Imperial Armour book!
In the next few weeks Forge World will be releasing ‘Imperial Armour Update 2005’. This rules guide is packed with 33 Imperial, Ork, Chaos, Necron and Eldar vehicle variants, (including the new Eldar Revenant’s Sonic Lances), as well as monstrous Tyranid creatures. In this book you will be able to find rules and brief background for Forge World models not covered in the large ‘Imperial Armour’ hardback books. Final details on an exact release date and full list of contents will follow shortly in another issue of the Forge World Newsletter, so watch this space.

Games Day Germany.
The long suffering and very hardworking Forge World staff are helping put the final few bits and pieces together today so we can set off to Cologne for Games Day Germany which is being held this Sunday. At this year’s event we are packing up almost every painted model we have so we can display even more cabinets full to overflowing of your favourite models. As an added attraction Forge World designer Simon Egan is coming across to show off some of his latest work and answer any of your questions. If we are very lucky, we hope to have a few pre-release examples of the new Eldar Revenant Titan and some copies of ‘Imperial Armour Update 2005’ available at Games Day so if you are coming along please do ask us! We may even have some Space Wolves Terminator Upgrade sets and other new models too.

Forge World
Games Workshop
Willow Road
Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2WS

++++ MESSAGE ENDS ++++


I personally don’t like the Eldar Titan that much, but then again I don’t really like the Eldar that much, so that’s probably why.

Looking to see how useful the new Imperial Armour book will be.

Sisters of Battle Immolator

This fantastic Sisters of Battle Immolator is from Simon’s collection.

Simon’s Sisters of Battle Immolator in the evening sun.

He recently finished it and brought it over when we had a game, so I took a picture using my photographic terrain.

It is a great model and he has done a fantastic construction and paint job.