Napoleonic British Line Infantry – South Essex

On the cover of an issue of Wargames Illustrated was a free sprue of Napoleonic British Line Infantry from Warlord Games. You get five models on the sprue. I think these will supplement my 95th Rifles models as soldiers of the South Essex.

Having started on some French Infantry, I constructed the five models. These were very easy to put together, the body was a single piece, needing to only glue the head to the torso and the backpack to the back of the soldier. I based them on two pence pieces.

Well I based four of them, as I then ran out of two pence coins. I had to wait until I had some more before I could base the fifth soldier.

I then added Citadel Sand to the bases using PVA white glue.

Next stage was a white undercoat.

My first experience of wargaming was Napoleonics with plastic Airfix soldiers and metal Minifigs.

I really enjoyed both watching the Sharpe TV series and then reading the Sharpe books by Bernard Cornwell.

Napoleonic Workbench.

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