For me, on my visit to Warhammer World in January, one thing I did appreciate seeing, as I hadn’t really seen them before were the numerous Adeptus Titanicus Titans on display, both in isolation but also the various dioramas. There were some really nice painted models in the cabinets.
Here are some more photographs of Adeptus Titanicus Titans and Adeptus Titanicus Knights.
There were Reaver and Warlord Titans.
There was even an Emperor Titan conversion.
Adeptus Titanicus Miniatures Gallery
I now have a few Knights on the workbench.
I think one of my challenges will be painting these models which have an internal “skeleton” and then plates of armour on top. If I construct the model completely then it will be challenging to undercoat and paint. Having read some stuff on the internet, I think the solution will be to partly construct the model and then paint as I go before finally putting the model together.
How have you been painting your Adeptus Titanicus Titans? Let me know in the comments or post any useful links for painting guides.