The Jagdpanther was a tank destroyer built by Nazi Germany during World War II based on the chassis of the Panther tank. It entered service late in the war and saw service on the Eastern and Western fronts. Many military historians consider the Jagdpanther to be one of the best tank destroyers of the war due to the combination of the very powerful 8.8 cm KwK 43 cannon and the characteristically excellent armor and suspension of the Panther chassis.
The kit consists of a resin hull and metal components such as tracks and track guards. I took the metal tracks and glued them to the hull. They were a good fit and certainly add weight to the model.
The tracks were glued to the hull.
What I think is the radio was glued to the rear of the upper part of the hull.
The remaining metal components were then fitted to the tank.
Alongisde my Total Battle Miniatures ruins.
See the workbench feature on the Jagdpanther.
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