New Warhammer 40K battle report added to website…
This was an interesting game. Simon had just finished his 40K scale Forgeworld Valkyrie and wanted to use it in a game. Knowing his “luck” I expected that the Valkyrie would fly in and one of my grots would take a shot and shoot it down… at which point Simon would be slightly annoyed!
Therefore I created this scenario which has forty Imperial Guard, with Heavy Weapons, a Tarantula Sentry Gun but no tanks. They would be dug into one end of the table and their objective was to get at least twenty troops off the table.
They would be taken off table by a flight of Valkyries that would fly in, strafe the Orks before landing, allowing the Imperial Guard to embark and fly off.
My Orks job to stop all this!
See the report.