Time for Newsletter #118. Today we have some shiny new models to show and sell, a quick update about shows and a quick update on what we have coming out in the near future. We’re not sure on when precisely many of these models will be coming out but it’s been a while since we whetted your appetites and rest assured the Newsletter will let you know. Now on with the news!
Dean Winson.
Forge World.
Rhinoxen Cavalry
We first showed this beast in Newsletter #115 and since then people have been harassing us constantly, wanting to know when it will be released, how much it will be etc! Well today you find out. We have two variants of the Ogre Rhinox Cavalry going up for pre-order today and these things are huge! These are certainly not the immature Rhinoxen seen pulling Gnoblar Scraplaunchers into battle, these are full grown beasts of destruction none too happy at being cowed to an Ogres whim. Rules for these are currently being worked on by Phil Kelly in the Games Dev section of the Design Studio and we hope to have experimental rules up on our website very soon. It doesn’t end there though, Daniel Cockersell is working on a third model as I type, a Champion figure to lead the Ogre Cavalry to victory. We hope to have him up for pre-order soon. The link below will take you to some close up pictures of the new Rhinoxen. To see a painted version please follow the link from our online store.
Crashed Land Speeder Tempest
Continuing our range of destroyed vehicle terrain for 40K, (lets face it there’s not much better for scenery than a wrecked vehicle, especially if your opponent uses that vehicle), we have a Space Marine Land Speeder Tempest. From the damage down one side it’s clear it’s taken some serious anti-vehicle fire and from the way it’s partially buried, it certainly didn’t come down straight and gentle.
Wrecked Tau Piranha
It does seem the destroyed vehicle range has been a little one sided so far, so to balance this we have the first destroyed alien vehicle. A Tau Piranha which has taken what looks like melta weapon damage, obviously enough to knock it out of the air if not to completely destroy it. Aside from being a nice little piece of scenery, this particular model would also make a good alternative objective for a Hostage Situation mission, rather than rescuing an Ethereal from an escape capsule, you have to retrieve valuable information from the Piranha’s computer.
Forge World Show Attendance
As I mentioned in the last Newsletter, next weekend sees us at Both Salute in London and Games Day Paris. We are still taking reservations for both these shows but only until Sunday. If you want to make sure we have the models you are after at either of those events please make sure to email us by Sunday with your list. We are also taking reservations for Games Day Baltimore in the US (14th May) and Vienna Gaming Day (7/8th May).
Upcoming Releases
Chimera Spaced Armour Chapter Specific Terminator Shoulder Pads Mukaali (3 Different Trooper Variants and a Commander) Tallarn Heavy Weapon Crews Tigershark with Railguns A Special Character Tau Battlesuit Ork Battlewagons for Epic Tau Transports for BFG
Available to Pre-Order Now
The two terrain pieces and the Rhinoxen are released week commencing 16th May. We always ship out pre-orders in the same order that we receive them. What does this mean? If you pre-order early, you are one of the first people to get them, and of course we do not charge your card until we are just about to ship your order to you. These models are available to pre-order right now from our online store and over the phone.
Forge World
Games Workshop
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