The Landraider is the single most destructive weapon in the Adeptus Astartes’ arsenal. Protected by bonded ceramite and adamantium armour, the Landraider is impervious to all bar the most destructive weaponry. Equally impressive are its armaments – four lascannon and twin-linked heavy bolters allow the Land Raider to deliver punishing support fire capable of decimating enemy infantry and tanks alike.
Those of us old enough know that this model of the Land Raider is now how it has always been… This is the MkIII Land Raider there as both a MkI and a MkII.
Originally the Space Marine Land Raider looked like this. This is from the Rogue Trader era and used the concept of symmetrical parts to reduce the number of sprues that needed to be cast. Compare that to today where we have plastic Stompa kits and virtually everything that Games Workshop now sell is in plastic.
This (I believe) is the three-up version for the Epic version of the Land Raider.
With the release of Epic 40000 a new version of the Land Raider was envisaged which because of the time did not need to worry about number of sprues.
This is very similar to the current version and the MkIII is derived from this model. Of course it will be familiar to those gamers who know about the Forge World MkIIb Land Raider model as that Forge World model is a version of the Epic model.
These models were on display at GamesDay 2005.
More photographs of the MkIII Land Raider.