I recently on Twitter mentioned how I was looking at converting some toy cars for Car Wars.
Thinking about converting some toy cars for a 20mm version of Car Wars. Bringing in aspects of Gaslands, Battlecars and Dark Future.
— iFelix (@ifelix) November 2, 2019
I have been inspired back into automobile combat after reading the Gaslands rules.
Back in the 1980s I played a lot of Car Wars and has bought most of the rules back then, but I have no idea where they are now. I had most of the supplements and lots of the ADQ (AutoDuel Quarterly) magazine. I did subscribe to the magazine and it always use to confuse the Royal Mail as Steve Jackson Games sent the magazine from the USA, as is, no envelope, no plastic bag. At least one got damaged I think in the post, but most arrived okay.
I like the fact, that though the rules are out of print Steve Jackson Games have made them into PDFs you can buy.
I was also really pleased to see on an official Steve Jackson Games web site I have found a link to a free PDF of the original Car Wars rules.
Skimming through the rules was like a blast from the past, bringing back happy memories of many games of Car Wars from over thirty years ago.
I think though I might splash out on some of the PDFs of ADQ and Uncle Albert’s Catalog.
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