15mm WW2 Russian Infantry in Summer Uniform IN PLASTIC

I was pleased to read that The Plastic Soldier Company have recently released 15mm WW2 Russian Infantry in Summer Uniform in plastic. Very nice they look too.


If you have read my (main) website recently you will know that I have started looking at and thinking about playing Flames of War (at the time of writing I have only done some modelling and reading the rules).

Now I am not actually playing Russians so these models are less useful than it would seem. However this is just the first release of many planned by The Plastic Soldier Company.

They are also intending to release, in 15mm in the near future:

  • T34 Tank boxed set
  • Late War British Infantry

I would suspect that we will see German stuff too, and a lot more if this stuff sells – which I suspect it will. That’s when I will be buying some… though slightly tempted by the T34 tanks.

One thought on “15mm WW2 Russian Infantry in Summer Uniform IN PLASTIC”

  1. Had a look at the 15mm models you’re working on. I have to say that buying a Tiger tank in response to my three Univarsal Carriers and seven 15cwt trucks seems like overkill!

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