An Age of Darkness has descended upon the galaxy. Horus Lupercal, Warmaster of the Emperor’s armies, has turned against his gene-father and sent the Imperium spiralling into bloody civil war. Of the eighteen great Space Marine Legions, finest of all humanity’s soldiers, fully half have sided with the traitorous Warmaster, while the remainder stand staunchly loyal to the Emperor. It is a war of brother against brother, Space Marine against Space Marine, which has seen the might of the Imperium’s vast armies turned upon itself in a cataclysm of fire and blood.
- Dioramas
- Legiones Astartes
- Arquitor Bombard
- Deimos Pattern Predator
- Deimos Pattern Rhino
- Deimos Pattern Vindicator
- Deimos Pattern Vindicator Laser Destroyer
- Deimos Pattern Whirlwind Scorpius
- Dreadnought – Contemptor Pattern
- Dreadnought – Deredeo Pattern
- Dreadnought Drop Pod
- Falchion Super-Heavy Tank Destroyer
- Fellblade
- Glaive
- Javelin Attack Speeder
- Kratos Heavy Assault Tank
- Land Raider Achilles-Alpha pattern
- Land Raider Proteus
- Land Raider Spartan Assault Tank
- Legion Basilisk
- Leviathan Siege Dreadnought
- Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport
- Medusa
- Sabre Strike Tank
- Scimitar Jetbikes
- Sicaran Arcus Strike Tank
- Sicaran Battle Tank
- Sicaran Omega Tank Destroyer
- Sicaran Punisher Assault Tank
- Sicaran Venator
- Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
- Sisters Of Silence
- Solar Auxilia