Images from this premier Games Workshop Event from September 2007.
Imperial Macharius Heavy Tank
Epic Airfield on display at GamesDay 2007
Renegade Malcador defending during the siege of Vraks.
Renegade Malcador defending during the siege of Vraks.
Renegade Malcador defending during the siege of Vraks.
Imperial Guard Leman Russ with Modified Ryza Pattern Annihilator Turret moves forward across a trench system during the Siege of Vraks. From the Forgeworld Siege of Vraks diorama at GamesDay 2007.
Chaos Renegades during the Siege of Vraks. The tank in the middle is a Leman Russ Vanquisher. From the Forgeworld Siege of Vraks diorama at GamesDay 2007.
Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon during the Siege of Vraks
Death Korps of Krieg Leman Russ during the Siege of Vraks.
Death Korps of Krieg Gorgon during the Siege of Vraks
Forge World Ork Heavy Bommerz
Chaos BaneBlade, from the Gaming Club Displays at GamesDay 2007.
Blood Angels Land Speeder, a Golden Demon entry from GamesDay 2007
Ork Bommer, from the Gaming Club Displays at GamesDay 2007
Space Wolves Bikes
Winged Hive Tyrant with Scything Talons
Space Wolves Space Marine Command Rhino, part of a fantastic display at GamesDay 2006 and GamesDay 2007.
Rhino with spaced armour, from Mike Sharpe’s Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006 and GamesDay 2007
Land Raider Crusader
British Infantry advance through the ruins of a French village.
Mk IV Tank Male slowly trundles forward crushing the barbed wire obstacles in its path.
Baneblade for an Imperial Commissar
Iron Knights Space Marines
Land Raider on display at GamesDay 2007.
Fallen Imperial Eagle on display cabinets at GamesDay 2007
Chaos Barricades on display cabinets at GamesDay 2007
Fallen Space Marine Statue on display cabinets at GamesDay 2007
Voystroyan Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007
Catachan Hellhammer on display at GamesDay 2007
Tallarn Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007.
Hellhammer on display at GamesDay 2007.
Skullhamma Battle Fortress at GamesDay 2007.
Imperial Guard Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007.
Imperial Guard Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007.
Skullhamma Battle Fortress at GamesDay 2007.
Plaguereaper of Nurgle on display at GamesDay 2007.
Baneblade for an Imperial Commissar
Tallarn Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007.
Voystroyan Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007.
Skullhamma Battle Fortress at GamesDay 2007
CAD drawing of the Ork Trukk.
CAD drawing of the Ork Trukk.
CAD drawing of the Ork Trukk.
Another Ork Trukk concept, this has been “printed” from the CAD drawings using a 3D printer. Very similar to the final model, but some subtle differences including the tusks at the front.
Ork Trukk concept, notice the wheels which are very different to the finished model. This has been made from plastic and plasticard.
3-UP of the Ork Trukk Gunnner.
Priest on display at GamesDay 2007.
Chaos Vindicator on display at GamesDay 2007.
Brass Scorpion in the snow from GamesDay 2007.
Brass Scorpion in the snow from GamesDay 2007.
Scratchbuilt Stompa from GamesDay 2007
Scratchbuilt Stompa from GamesDay 2007
Golden Demon entry from GamesDay 2007
Three Killa Kans from the 2007 Golden Demon awards.
Ork Trukk from GamesDay 2007.
Chaos Lords are the most powerful of the Chaos Space Marines. With the genetic advantages of a Space Marine and the blessings of the Dark Gods there are few more dangerous entities in the galaxy.
Ahriman of the Thousand Sons from GamesDay 2007.
Death Korps of Krieg Team with Heavy Bolter.
Imperial Navy Vulture Gunship from the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2007.
Forge World downed Valkyrie which was in the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2007.
Imperial Navy Thunderbolt
Ork Fighta from GamesDay 2007
Great Knarloc from the Forgeworld Displays.
Trojan support vehicle
Imperial Guard Hellhound, from the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2007.
Leman Russ Vanquisher
Griffon Heavy Mortar with Mine Plough.
Tallarn Heavy Bolter Team. From the Forgeworld displays at GamesDay 2007.
Tallarn Autocannon Team. From the Forgeworld displays at GamesDay 2007.
Thunderer Siege Tank
Imperial Chimera from the display cabinets at GamesDay 2007.
Hydra Flak Tank
Armoured Medusa – Armageddon Pattern