The Arkanaut Frigate is a versatile airship that represents centuries of refinement by the shipwrights of the Endrineers Guild. It is a balance of speed, transport capacity, and firepower, making it a mainstay of the Kharadron Overlords’ airfleets.
The frigate’s sleek hull is made of Aether-Khemist-treated gromril, making it both strong and light. This allows it to reach speeds of up to 150 knots, while still being able to carry a significant amount of cargo and troops. It is also fast and powerful enough to escape the gravitational drag of a density hole.
The frigate’s buoyancy endrin is powered by Aether-gold, and it allows the ship to stay aloft even in the most turbulent conditions. This makes it ideal for long-range missions, as well as for operating in dangerous environments, such as those found in the Eightpoints. It retains enough firepower to level a city should the need arise.
The frigate’s main armament is a pair of sky cannons, which can fire explosive shells that can level a city block. It also carries a number of smaller weapons, such as aethershot carbines and boarding weapons. This gives the frigate the firepower it needs to take on a variety of targets, from enemy airships to ground forces.
The Arkanaut Frigate is a powerful and versatile airship that is essential to the Kharadron Overlords’ war effort. It is a symbol of their technological prowess and their mastery of the skies. It is a formidable warship that is feared by its enemies.