Epic Wartrakk

Wartrakks are Ork tracked vehicles that are modified off the versitale warbuggy design by Mekboyz. Essentially a Warbuggy mounted upon a sturdy track unit, a Wartrakk sacrifices its speed for the ability to traverse rough terrain such as a ruined city and deliver heavier firepower.

Ork Warbuggies and Wartrakks on the move through the ruins of an Imperial City.
Epic Ork Buggy and Wartrakk on patrol
Epic Ork Buggy and Wartrakk on patrol
Flakwagon and Wartrakk
Flakwagon and Wartrakk
Ork forces skirt pass an Imperial bunker.
Wartrakk and Ork Tank
Ork Detachment.
Ork Detachment.
Wartrakks and Buggies provide a screen for Stompas
Ork Detachment.
Ork Detachment.