Epic Rokkits

Ork Trukk with Krooz Missulz (aka an Orkish version of the Imperial Deathstrike Missile Launcher, but why not use the Krooz Missulz rules for the Mega-Gargent. The model is built using a Flakwagon base, a firing platform from a Pulsa Rokitt and the Krooz Missulz, well it’s a 40k scale Fighta-Bommer Missile.
Ork Trukk with Krooz Missulz (aka an Orkish version of the Imperial Deathstrike Missile Launcher, but why not use the Krooz Missulz rules for the Mega-Gargent. The model is built using a Flakwagon base, a firing platform from a Pulsa Rokitt and the Krooz Missulz, well it’s a 40k scale Fighta-Bommer Missile
Epic Grot Bomb Launcha
Epic Grot Bomb Launcha

Epic Grot Bomb Launcha

Epic Grot Bomb Launcha