Liking my first two Ork Boar Boyz and working on a third, I decided I would model two more riders in a similar style to my other Boar Boyz. The first part of the rider model is the boar rider legs from the Warhammer Fantasy Orc Warriors sprue.
Unlike my other three Boars, for these models I also ordered some metal Cyboar heads from the old Snakebitez bitz range – this was before Games Workshop rationalised their online bitz store.
This is my favourite which has a lot of armour plates and cybernetics.
You can see how big the heads are compared to the plastic boar bodies.
Again like the other head, enhanced with cybernetics.
So the Boars went together pretty easily. Though I had no tails! On the plastic boars, the tails are on the head sprue and I only ordered plastic boar bodies. Ah well out with the Green Stuff!
I “made” tails using green stuff.
I then made up the riders using the same process as my other Boar Boyz.
The models were then given a white undercoat.