Here is a step by step guide to how Emmet Gates was painted.
I already have quite a few miniatures suitable for the Old West style game. At GamesDay 2008 I did purchase the Warhammer Historical Old West rules and for Christmas 2008 I was lucky enough to get some Foundry Old West miniatures.
Emmet Gates is part of VOW231 which includes Emmet Gates, Judge Guthrie Prentice, Tucson Bob & Huck Klosterman, The Reverend John Wesley Carrington & Earl Jones.
As you might expect the models come in a blister pack.
The model was based on a two pence coin and given a white undercoat.
I painted his necktie with Brown Violet (887).
I painted his hat and gun with some black paint.
I then gave Emmet a red shirt and dark brown trousers.
I then painted the belt and gave the coat a second coat.
I then gave the whole model a a wash of Citadel Shade: Agrax Earthshade.
I painted the base with Citadel Texture: Armageddon Dust. I think there is too much coin showing, so I might add some texture when I come round to doing the bases for the other gunfighters.
I drybrushed the base with Citadel Ushbati Bone. I then stuck on some Citadel Mordheim Turf.
Here are some photographs of the finished model.