I wanted to try out some painting techniques, weathering powders and transfers, before I started painting not only my other Gaslands cars, but also my Forge World Ork models.
So I started off with an old Hot Wheels New Beetle that I “found” in a box in the garage…
I gave the model a spray of Zandri Dust.
Once this was dry, I gave the model a wash of first Agrax Earthshade in some areas, but mainly Seraphim Sepia across the whole car.
I the drybushed the car with some Golgfag Brown.
One of the things I wanted to try out, was trying out some transfers. I have avoided using transfers for years, but with my Aeronautica Imperialis I have been thinking I should provide the models, especially the Imperial Navy flyers with appropriate markings. I think the last time I did transfers was twenty odd years ago…
So, using some free Warlord Games Judge Dredd transfers that came free with Wargames Illustrated, I took a couple of the transfers and applied them to the Beetle. I used Vallejo Decal Softener to aid their adhesion to the model.
The result was slightly glossy, which was to be expected. However I didn’t have any matt varnish.
In the end I decided to try out some of the Forge World weathering powders I have on my workbench, which I had never used.
I tried out Light Earth and Orange Rust, and was quite pleased with how they worked and the effect I got.
This is a testbed, so the next thing to work out, is how should I paint the windscreen?
I went through a range of techniques, but I’m not too happy about the end result. I wanted a dark blue look to the windscreen with lighter highlights.
I also used some contrast and inks to make it look like glass. I don’ think it worked, but that’s the point of this model it’s a testbed for techniques.