The Tiger II (or as was informally known to the Germans who fought in it, Königstiger), was a 70 tonne heavy tank. It was first used in combat with s.H.Pz.Abt. 503 during the Normandy campaign on 11 July 1944.
In the process of sorting some old gaming stuff out I found a bundle of old SDD models. These are 15mm metal castings that I bought back in the 1990s. It makes me think that the other metal models that I have been painting are also SDD.
This box was mainly late war stuff and included a King Tiger.
The model consists of four parts: a pair of tracks, the hull and a turret. This is a very nice clean casting, but is quite a heavy model as a result.
It went together very easily, but doesn’t quite sit flat.
Certainly not as detailed as the Flames of War model, the next stage will be a white undercoat.
The tank was given a white undercoat.
The undercoat has shown that the quite severe casting lines!
I then gave the model a basecoat, by brush, of Middlestone.
I started to paint the camouflage. I used Chocolate Brown (872) from the Flames of War German Armour Paint Set.
Though following the painting guidelines from the German Armour paint set, I think the brown is too brown and needs to be more red. I think I am going to recover the dark brown and then use Cavalry Brown (995) which is redder and will I hope look better.
In the first instance though I painted over the brown.