The Bedford OXA was a gun truck or improvised British heavy armoured car built during World War II by mounting an armoured body onto a Bedford OXD 1.5 ton truck chassis. 948 units were built in 1940-1941. The vehicle was used by British Home Guard units until 1942.
The vehicle was used by British Home Guard units until 1942.
As with many of my 15mm metal vehicles I don’t recall who the manufacturer was. After a bit of internet research I believe it is an old SDD miniature. Not convinced totally, but other miniatures in the box it was in carry SDD codes.
This is a solid whitemetal casting.
The next stage was to give the model a white undercoat.
Using the Flames of War British Early War Paint Set I gave the model a basecoat of Brown Violet (887).
I think it might need a second coat.
I also need to think about how best to “hold” the model so I can paint it more easily. Got use to painting models with bases for a while now, vehicles (especially small 15mm vehicles) take a bit of getting use to.