Epic Ork Junkatrukks

This is a blister of the new Epic Ork Battlewagons, though it is my intention to use them as Feral Ork Junkatrukks.

A Junka Trukk, also spelled as Junk Truck or simply called a “Junka,” by the Orks, is a heavily damaged vehicle that have been scavenged off of the battlefield by Feral Ork Junkaboyz, repaired to the best of their tribe’s abilities, and pressed back into combat. These vehicles, which are considered light vehicles by Imperial standards, take the form of a barely functioning truck or half-track and are used mostly as an infantry fighting vehicle.

It is rare for a Feral Ork tribe to have the mechanical expertise or the spare parts needed to bring the vehicle back up to its original level of functionality of its original form, usually resulting in a vehicle that breaks down often. The scavenged vehicle will be handed over to either the tribe’s Boilerboyz or, if none are available, to one of their Pigdoks, who will attempt to get it functioning again to some capacity. Ork Boilerboyz are masters of primitive steam-powered technology, and these vehicles are usually converted over to steam power by the simple addition of a steam engine.

You get five battlewagons, two are of new designs and one is a re-modelled Flakwagon from the days of Epic40K.

They are very nice models, with five in the pack.

The first thing I did was give them a white undercoat. I much prefer using a white undercoat when painting models in reds, yellows or orange. If I am going for a dark look then I will use a black undercoat.

The quality of the models can be seen in this close-up shot

I have also painted the metal areas, by given them a base coat of black.

The metal areas will be drybrushed with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal, I will then touch up the white areas before painting the bodywork in reds, yellows and orange colours.

You can see in this picture how I have drybrushed the metal, first with Tin Bitz and then with Boltgun Metal.

The next stage is to paint in the base colour.

The models were painted vomit brown and then given an ink wash.

Before I would use a plain ink wash, but after reading an article on Dropship, I added some Scorched Brown to the ink and water mix and as a result the finished models are not as glossy as when I have used an ink wash.


Here are two Junkatrukks that I have finished for my Feral Ork Army. I know they could do with some detailing and maybe the odd glyph or two…

The models were painted orange and light brown and then given an ink wash.

Before I would use a plain ink wash, but after reading an article on Dropship, I added some Vomit Brown to the ink and water mix and as a result the finished models are not as glossy as when I have used an ink wash.

The models were then drybrushed with the original base coat to highlight and to matt down the slight glossness caused by the wash.

Also you may notice for my Feral Orks that I (for once) am following fashion and I am basing my vehicles…

I have added some more details to the models.

Here are the finished models with a Gargant.

Trukks and Gargant

And a close up of the trukks.

And a close up of one of the trukks.

I know they could do with some detailing and maybe the odd glyph or two…