Landa is a name for large transport aircraft Orks use to land troops and smaller vehicles from orbiting spacecraft to the surface and to quickly move them from one battlefield to another. Landas are a classic example of Ork design, being huge ungainly craft brutally efficient in their task. Ork Landas are slower and more ponderous than any Ork or Imperial Aircraft, but it would be a fatal mistake to consider one easy prey. While not nimble, Ork Landas are extremely tough and can ignore damage deadly to most aircraft. Landas are equipped with numerous gun turrets and rokkits that allow them to lay down an impressing rain of fire against enemy aircraft that gets close enough or to support disembarking troops once on the ground.
This was a model released for Epic Armageddon.
I did think the quality of the casting was rather sub-standard and the fit of the pieces poor.
Due to the poor fit of the casting I had to fill in quite a few gaps with green stuff, though the top fitted better than the underneath.
Here is a picture (from the top) of the model undercoated.
I have blacked out all the metal parts and then drybrushed with Tin Bitz.
In this close-up shot you can see the detail in the sculpturing, though some of those *rivets* would be a few feet wide!
Having drybrushed with Tin Bitz, a light drybrush of Boltgun Metal to bring out the metal parts.
The next stage was to paint the base coat in Desert Yellow.
I then painted various panels different shades of brown, light and dark.
I then gave it a light wash of watered down Chestnut Ink with some Bestial Brown in.
The base is a simple flying base, I stuck a small rock and GW’s sand mix, before painting Bestial Brown and drybrushing with Bleached Bone.
As you can see I still have a few white holes in the “rivets” where both the original base coat and wash failed to penetrate.
The next stage is to drybrush out the gloss of the ink wash and fill in those holes.